2024 is a highly significant year regarding the elections in November and the future of America. I want to make some observations regarding the position of President of the United States of America. Rather than leave it till just before the election, I will go on a limb and share my ideas about it all.

For many people, this election is depressing. We have two candidates—President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump—and many believe that both of them are not fit to be President, not just for their age alone but for a variety of reasons. Nevertheless, this is how it is likely to be, barring changes at the respective conventions. A third-party candidate has little chance of being voted in.


In 2016, we had a battle between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. At that time, I felt I had a word from the Lord about the elections, which I wrote down but didn’t share in a Langstaff Letter. It happened this way…

On a particular night in September 2016, I had gone to bed, and I was asleep when my wife Dorothy woke me up to say that a policeman in our church had been involved in an accident and had been taken to the Hennepin County Medical Center.

His wife was seeking to find out how serious it was, and if that was the case, I determined I would get up, get dressed, and go to the hospital. If it was not serious, then I would leave it for the moment. So I was sitting on my bed waiting for a phone call from his wife. While I was sitting there, not thinking of anything particularly, just waiting for the wife’s phone call, suddenly the Holy Spirit came upon me. This was during the week of the first debate between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump, at which time Hillary Clinton was well ahead in the polls.

Sitting there, I felt the Lord was showing me something, so I wrote it down.

  1. Hillary will win the first debate, but Trump will win the election
  2. It may not turn out the way people think it will.
  3. It will be a mixed blessing as there will be good things, but there will also be chaos and confusion.

Looking back it all came to pass and Trump won the election but also the other things happened with the arrival of Covid Epidemic that brought confusion and even chaos.

So in light of all this I want to share some thoughts about Trump and the coming election. Unlike the previous word in 2016 this did not come as a revelation from God but was inspired by a Scripture I was reading in my daily devotions.So here is my thoughts.


I was reading in Judges and came upon this verse concerning Samson.

Samson had desires towards a woman in Timnah, a Philistine; he wanted to marry her. Samson’s parents disagreed and declared, “Is there not a woman among our people?” But Samson was adamant. “Get her for me for she pleases me well.”

Then we have a very revealing Scripture (Judges 14:4) “His father and mother did not know that it was from the Lord, for He was seeking an opportunity against the Philistines. At that time the Philistines ruled over Israel.”

Now as I meditated on this verse of Scripture I felt that Trump was like a Samson and I particularly saw three points about Samson and Trump.


If you know the story of Samson, then you know what a strong man he was; he had supernatural strength that enabled him to defeat the Philistines, time after time, even striking them down with the jawbone of an ass killing a thousand men.

Trump is also a strong man. Very few people could endure all that he has faced and still persevere despite all the attacks made upon him.

Years ago, a friend of mine, Pastor Jim Spillman, shared with me a simple principle in relation to leadership. People gravitate to a strong leader, good or bad. That is why people gravitate to Trump. According to the polls, they see Joe Biden as a weak leader. This was the case with people like Putin in Russia and with Hitler in Nazi Germany. People gravitate to follow strong leaders. That’s why many people follow Trump.


The great weakness that Samson continually faced was regarding women. His continual downfall involved a woman named Delilah. It seems as though this was his primary problem. 

Trump has also been immoral, albeit in different ways than Samson. That is why so many people, even in his own party, oppose him. People approve of his actions as President but have problems with his character.

I wrote a book, which was well-reviewed, called “Hedges.” It dealt with the three major temptations that leaders see that are sometimes called “The Gals, the Glitter and the Gold” i.e. sexual temptation, power, and money. So often we hear of leaders who have fallen into one of these traps.


Samson was born when Israel was doing evil in the sight of the Lord. His father was Manoah, and his wife was barren, but they had an angelic visitation who told them about the son who was to be born to them and how he was to be raised.

Now we come back to the key verse of Scripture concerning his parents: “His father and mother did not know that it was from the Lord, for he was seeking an opportunity against the Philistines.” In other words, they did not have the revelation that Samson was fulfilling God’s plan for that time. They just did not see God in it.

In this regard, Trump is like Samson, and people do not realize that God could be working in his life to fulfill God’s purpose for this nation.

Back in 2016, many prophets wrote many predictions and comments about Trump. For example, at that time, an internationally recognized speaker and business consultant saw Trump as Cyrus (Isaiah 45 v.1 & 2), that God was calling him to be a wrecking ball – for God’s purposes. Many people only see the natural facts in all that is happening. God helps us to see the spiritual facts that are at work in our nation to accomplish God’s purposes for the nation.


Each individual has to come to his own conclusion, so I encourage you to 

  1. Assess the candidates for President.
  2. Asses how God would have you vote in the Elections. Don’t stay home.
  3. Pray for America and the elections.

People will have all sorts of positions. One national pastor expressed his feelings on social media: “Lord Jesus we would humbly request that you return before November 5th.” He adds, “Government can’t fix spiritual problems; it’s ultimately a God problem. Trusting in politicians won’t solve it – repentance and faith are the only way forward.” We need to pray that we have God’s position regarding this election.


God, we pray for America as we approach the November elections. Lord, have mercy on America, and God bless America. As always I am happy to receive comments on this Langstaff Letter.